This paper discusses the use of science fiction movies in introductory physics courses at Spelman College. There are several reasons to use these movies in the classroom environment. Movies are a visual learning aid. Introductory physics students show a strong interest in participating in movie-related activities compared to standard group problem-solving sessions. Finally, these activities encourage creative thinking and can be used to develop writing skills. The students involved with these movie-based activities have included biology and pre-medical majors taking general physics. In the introductory level courses, physics, chemistry, and engineering majors worked on movie-based activities.
, “Start using ‘Hollywood Physics’ in your classroom!
” Phys. Teach.
, 420
(Oct. 2002
Chandler Dennis, Hollywood Physics: Mechanics (Fidget Publications, Bloomfield, 2001), pp. 5–8.
Costas Efthimiou and Ralph A. Llewellyn, “Physics in films,” AAPT 2002 Winter Meeting. Contributed talk at the 126th National Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Distributed by Warner Studios (1997).
Distributed by Paramount (1998).
Distributed by Warner Studios (1999).
DVD 23:20 and 43:02; distributed by Touchstone Video (1998).
Thomas A. Moore, Six Ideas That Shaped Physics (Unit C), 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2003), momentum: pp. 44–88, kinetic energy: pp. 136–142.
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