In a 1992 paper published in this journal, Uri Ganiel1 described a pair of model carts used to demonstrate elastic and inelastic collisions. The wooden carts had low-friction wheels and a steel-strip bumper on one end. On one of the carts, a number of brass washers were rigidly mounted in vertical stacks to a wooden framework. The other cart was similar except that the washers were tied to rubber bands that were stretched horizontally and diagonally across the framework. When the first cart was rolled into a wall it bounced off with only a small reduction in speed (“elastic” collision). The second cart, on the other hand, was found to come nearly to a complete stop upon colliding with the wall (“inelastic” collision). Following the instructions given in Ganiel's paper, I built a pair of carts and demonstrated them to introductory-level physics students at a large public university. It was interesting to find that many students were distracted by the different-looking structures of the two model carts.2 They thought the different distributions of washers between the carts resulted in the rubber-band cart bouncing back a significantly shorter distance than the rigid-rod one after they both collided with a wall at the same initial speed. Apparently, the students had difficulties in understanding the collisions and used surface features to reason about them. To avoid this superficial distraction and to help students visualize easily “where the kinetic energy goes in an inelastic collision,” I modified the rigid-rod cart to have washers fixed on hollow aluminum rods mounted at four different levels horizontally and diagonally (see Fig. 1). The new pair of the model carts look very similar to each other: They have the same bumpers, same wheels, same distributions of washers, and same masses.

, “
Elastic and inelastic collisions: A model
Phys. Teach.
X. Zou, “The use of multiple representations and visualizations in student learning of introductory physics: An example from work and energy,” Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 2000.
Compared with the washers on the hollow aluminum rods, those on the rubber bands are 1 mm thicker and as a result 2 g more massive. This barely noticeable difference compensates for the fact the aluminum rods are more massive than the rubber bands, so that the total masses of the carts come out exactly the same.
, “
Oersted Medal Lecture 2001: Physics education research—The key to student learning
Am. J. Phys.
Thg “happy” and “unhappy” balls can be purchased from Sargent-Welch (part ♯ WL0709, $4.70) at 800-727-4368 or
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