A simple nomograph based on a general result from analytical geometry can be used to represent the solution of any problem in which the sum of reciprocals equals another reciprocal — that is, the equation that generates the hyperbolic function. One such relationship is the thin-lens formula often used in introductory physics courses. This discussion will show that the nomograph is necessarily consistent with both the ray diagram for a thin lens and the object-image distance relationship obtained in the typical introductory physics laboratory experiment to determine the focal length of a thin lens. It is also useful to display the focal length of the thin lens on the graph obtained in such an experiment.
Thomas B.
Jr., “A nomograph for resistors in parallel
,” Phys. Teach.
, 458
(Nov. 2002
, “Series and parallel resistors and capacitors
,” Phys. Teach.
, 483
(Nov. 2003
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