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March 1982
ISSN 0002-9505
EISSN 1943-2909
Letters To The Editor
Didactic remarks on the Sears–Kestin statement of the second law of thermodynamics
Am. J. Phys. 50, 247–251 (1982)
Relativistic time dilatation of bound muons and the Lorentz invariance of charge
Am. J. Phys. 50, 251–254 (1982)
Notes and Discussions
Experiment to determine the absorption coefficient of gamma rays as a function of energy
Am. J. Phys. 50, 275–276 (1982)
Apparatus Notes
Film Reviews
Ergodic Lagrangian dynamics in a superhero universe
I. L. Tregillis, George R. R. Martin
All objects and some questions
Charles H. Lineweaver, Vihan M. Patel
The most efficient thermodynamic cycle under general engine constraints
Christopher Ong, Shaun Quek
A story with twists and turns: How to control the rotation of the notched stick
Martin Luttmann, Michel Luttmann
The spinorial ball: A macroscopic object of spin-1/2
Samuel Bernard-Bernardet, Emily Dumas, et al.