The Poisson spot is a fascinating lecture demonstration. Its simple explanation can lead to further questions, not only the one posed in the title, but also questions such as why the simple model that considers only light passing just outside the spherical object is successful. The Huygens–Fresnel diffraction model is applied to answer these questions.
The Poisson spot is an optical phenomenon in which a bright spot of light is seen at the center of a shadow caused by a spherical object. It is a simple demonstration to do and works even with white light, but the appearance of the bright spot is an intriguing and surprising effect.1 Indeed, the shadows of spherical objects are quite common, but no Poisson spots are observed in the shadow of various balls or even the Moon. Why?
Huygens' secondary wavelets are often used as an intuitive explanation in undergraduate wave mechanics.2 The picture is particularly useful for explaining diffraction and interference effects, but it is generally used only for the simplest of cases, such as the far-field interference pattern in a double slit experiment. For the Poisson spot, a similar simple model can be used, but very quickly one ends up with questions that go beyond the model, such as when considering the (lack of a) Poisson spot in the Moon's shadow.
However, Fresnel's formulation of Huygens' ideas in the Huygens–Fresnel diffraction formula provides a theoretical framework in which Huygens' secondary wavelet picture can be extended to more interesting cases. The theory not only provides a way to derive simple models in an understandable and transparent way but also leads to integral equations that can be easily solved by numerical tools.
Physics phenomena that can be demonstrated in lectures,3 for which simple models can provide intuitive explanations but for which even the more complete and rigorous explanations can be presented understandably, are always valuable course material. I have found the Poisson spot in particular to tick all these boxes. Moreover, its counterintuitive nature that can be seen by the bare eye creates discussions and feeds the imagination. It has been realized also with (ultra)sound4 and molecular beams,5 and its potential applications range from astronomy to optical tweezers.6
Below I will describe the Poisson spot experiment and formulate a simple model that allows order of magnitude analysis of the interference maximum. I will then use the Huygens–Fresnel diffraction formula for solving the problem in a more rigorous manner and confirm the predictions and the underlying assumptions of the simple model.
The history and physics of the Poisson spot, also called the Arago spot or Fresnel spot, is well known.7,8 For a perfect opaque sphere blocking a beam of light, the point right at the center of the shadow of the object is at an equal distance from the points at the rim of the cross section of the sphere. Thus, the waves going around the object interfere constructively, resulting in an intensity maximum. The setup is shown in Fig. 1, which also introduces the symbols that will be used in the analysis.
Although this intuitive explanation is sufficient for explaining that a bright spot might be observed at the center of the shadow, it raises the following additional questions:
How the size of the Poisson spot depends on the wavelength of light, the size of the object, and the distance to the screen?
How perfectly spherical the object needs to be?
What does one mean by “waves going around the object”?
Why don't we see Poisson spots in everyday life?
The simple model in which only diffracting light from a narrow ring right around the rim of the object is considered allows one to answer a number of questions presented above. The model can be viewed as a cylindrically symmetric extension of the double slit experiment, and many of the key results can be obtained from the model.
If using a white light point source, the different wavelengths produce spots with different widths, resulting in a white center with a reddish edge. This is quite similar to the case of a double slit experiment using white light, which also has a white spot at the center, since all wavelengths interfere constructively at the center, but the rest of the spots are increasingly colorful.
These simple models can be understood as generalizations of the double slit experiments, since only the path length differences of two points are considered at a time. However, we should now return to the question of whether it is justified to consider only a narrow ring of secondary wavelets passing around the object.
Note that the phase factor in the integrand oscillates ever more rapidly for increasing distance from the center of the object. This results in a cancelation of contributions far from the object, which in practice means that incoming plane waves need to be have constant amplitude and phase only in the vicinity of the object in order to satisfy the plane wave approximation.
The shadow region is at , corresponding to the shadow of a 4-mm diameter object. The edge of the shadow is not sharp and multiple diffraction fringes can be seen especially outside the shadow region, with the widths of the fringes becoming narrower away from the shadow region. This is qualitatively very similar to the pattern observed experimentally in Fig. 2(b), despite the experimental setup involving an expanding beam, which makes the overall shadow region increasing in size with the distance to the screen. On the other hand, note that the increase in size due to the expanding beam involves only the shadow region, scaling from to roughly in the experimental setup, and not the central peak, which expands only due to the diffraction according to the result obtained in Eq. (3).
Figure 4 shows also the diffraction pattern calculated from Eq. (17) but with the integration regime limited only to a narrow ring, up to the length scale . The figure shows that this limited integration region still captures very well the Poisson spot and even the adjacent fringes, validating the key assumptions made in the simple analysis of Sec. III. However, the model fails to describe the wider region, and in particular, the edge of the shadow region and beyond.
Finally, Fig. 5 shows the calculated two-dimensional diffraction pattern. The Poisson spot at the center and the interference fringes outside the shadow region are quite clear.
The Poisson spot will create interest as a lecture demonstration, especially after posing the question in the title. Moreover, it can be explained reasonably well with a simple model that builds on the familiar Huygens' principle that is often used in undergraduate teaching of the double slit experiment. The fact that the simple model requires some assumptions that are hard to justify a priori can also be seen as an advantage, as it is important for students to learn question the assumptions and models. Numerical and analytical calculations show, however, that the model can describe the characteristics of the Poisson spot very well.
Finally, I believe that the mathematical formulation of the Huygens' principle in the Fresnel–Huygens diffraction formula is not necessarily too difficult for dedicated undergraduate students to understand. Indeed, we studied the Poisson spot in a planetary context in an April Fool's day project with first-year physics students.11 That manuscript may be used as a light-hearted extra material when discussing diffraction and Poisson spot in undergraduate courses.
The author would like to thank V. Havu for the question in the title and acknowledge wonderful discussions with students H. Viitasaari, O. Färdig, J. H. Siljander, A. P. Väisänen, A. S. Harju, and A. V. Nurminen.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts to disclose.