Because the charge/discharge process of a battery is not perfectly efficient, there is an optimal point before the end of a downward slope at which a battery-based electric vehicle can save energy by engaging neutral (i.e., coasting). As an exercise in classical mechanics involving air and rolling resistance, we find an analytical expression for this distance on constant slopes, together with an expression for the energy saved. We compare the analytical solution to the numerical solutions for constant and sinusoidal hills. However, considering the characteristics of current electrical vehicles, the energy saved is only a few Wh per typical slope, resulting in negligible gains on any realistic trip.
Several strategies have been developed to improve the range of battery-based electric vehicles, including reduced mass of the vehicle, better aerodynamics, lower tire resistance, and regenerative braking (hereafter called “regen”).1 On highway roads, regen can be applied to maintain the vehicle at the driver-selected cruising speed on downhill slopes in order to charge the battery. This energy is then spent later when the vehicle reaches flatter portions of the road. Maintaining constant speed would indeed be the optimal energy-saving strategy if the charge-discharge process were 100% efficient (if we choose as a constraint that the speed must not go below ). With a charge-discharge cycle efficiency , energy losses to resistance would only increase if the vehicle reached higher speeds.
However, this strategy is not necessarily optimal when . Indeed, if as with a vehicle equipped with an internal combustion engine, the optimal energy-saving strategy is to switch into neutral as soon as the slope suffices to maintain a minimum speed of . The vehicle can store any excess potential energy as kinetic energy and then coast until it returns to speed .
Here, as an exercise in classical mechanics, we solve the intermediate case where We disregard the trivial energy-saving strategy of driving at slower speed, but rather consider the possibility of saving energy by going faster than the desired cruising speed during downhill portions of a trip, storing energy as kinetic energy. Speed limits and safe driving practices may impose an upper limit on the speed, but that limit is not considered. We also disregard any limitation due to regen power or stored energy.
A large body of literature exists about the numerical optimization of the speed profile (see, for example, Ref. 2). However, we could not find any analytical solution for the distance before the end of a slope where neutral should be engaged to achieve optimal energy savings, given a representative charge-discharge cycle efficiency and a realistic speed-dependent resistance force. In Sec. II of this paper, using undergraduate-level classical mechanics, we derive such an analytical expression for a uniform slope. In Sec. III, we show through numerical integration of the equation of motion that the analytical expression also applies to the case of a sinusoidal elevation profile if inclination is moderate.
Consider a battery-equipped electric vehicle of mass cruising at speed and arriving at the top of a downward slope of angle , height , and length , as illustrated in Fig. 1. Our strategy is first to consider the regen case where the motor is engaged all along and find how far the vehicle can go (distance using the energy stored over the distance from the end of the hill. Then, we consider the coasting case where the driver puts the vehicle in neutral at distance and find how far the vehicle can go, still in neutral, before slowing to its initial speed (distance . If , it means the vehicle saves energy by switching to neutral. We also determine the distance over which the vehicle should coast in neutral to optimize energy savings.
A. Going downhill at constant speed with regen
B. Going downhill in neutral
C. Extra distance
D. Energy saved
We note that we obtained Eqs. (22) and (23) considering . If the length of the slope, neutral should be engaged from the beginning of the slope, and the energy saved can be computed by calculating using Eq. (18) and putting the result in Eq. (17). We will come back to that point in Sec. III.
In conclusion to this section, we draw a few observations:
We found the exact expressions for the optimal distance from the end of a constant slope to engage neutral, Eq. (19), and the resulting energy savings, Eq. (22).
About half of the energy that would be lost to the charge/discharge process in the regen mode over the distance can be saved by coasting over that distance from the end of a slope.
The steeper the slope, the later neutral should be engaged (if the slope is long enough) to avoid gaining too much speed that would make the vehicle lose more energy to speed-dependent resistance than in the charge/discharge process.
Energy savings resulting from engaging neutral increase quadratically with base cruising speed .
Savings depend non-linearly on the charge/discharge efficiency and become appreciable only if this efficiency is low, which is of course undesirable.
However, the strategy of engaging neutral results in small gains in real-life conditions, as we will see in Sec. III.
In this section, we compare the expressions we derived for a straight slope followed by a flat road stretch in Sec. II to more realistic cases. We do so using numerical integration of the equation of motion and optimization of the trajectory.
. | . |
0 | 533.2 N |
1 | −24.61 kg/s |
2 | 1.339 kg/m |
3 | −0.01099 kg s/m2 |
. | . |
0 | 533.2 N |
1 | −24.61 kg/s |
2 | 1.339 kg/m |
3 | −0.01099 kg s/m2 |
Figure 2 also presents a purely quadratic air drag function (solid line) with = 0.824 kg/m adjusted so that the force at 26.8 m/s is the same as Eq. (24). We see that such a curve features a slope that differs from that of Eq. (24) by a factor of about 2 at that speed. It turns out that this has a major effect: since many expressions in Sec. II featured a factor , if is twice as large, it makes these relations off by the same factor. However, the form , with 0.424 kg/m and k = 319 N (dashed curve) fits the data very well over a realistic range of highway speeds (15 m/s< v < 38 m/s). We will use these values of and in the equations developed in Sec. II to compare these expressions to the results we obtain from the numerical optimizations below.
A. Straight slope
For all pairs of points ( , ) covered in Fig. 3, we find the values of that maximizes . To do so, we scan between 0 and , and, at each step of this scan, we integrate numerically Eq. (25) (with boundary condition ) to find the distance after the slope where the vehicle slows down back to . The value of that maximizes for a given ( , ) pair is used to compute the energy saved. This is the energy consumption between the and when the motor is engaged, computed as when and when . Energy saved is reported as negative color-coded values.
In Fig. 3, Eq. (19) for is plotted as a dashed line. It correctly predicts the inflection point in the contour lines: for larger distances, the contour lines are horizontal since no additional energy is saved when . Neutral has to be engaged at from the end of the slope in order to optimize savings as discussed in Sec. II. For shorter distances, neutral must be engaged from the beginning of the slope ( or ), but smaller energy savings are achieved. The approximate Eq. (20) (dotted line) gives reasonably good results for steep slopes but overestimate by several percent for small inclinations.
We see from this graph that if slopes are moderate (below 5%), neutral should be engaged at almost 1 km from the end of the slope. Considering that slope inclinations are usually only a few percent and slope lengths are rarely more than 1 km long, neutral should, therefore, be engaged in most situations. Another striking feature of Fig. 3 is that the energy saved is a few Wh for any reasonable slope, a relatively small fraction of the energy consumption of the vehicle on a flat road at , about 173 Wh/km. This is an indication that such strategy does not save so much energy in any realistic setting.
B. Sinusoidal hills
If we optimize the speed profile to minimize energy consumption (solid black curves), it is seen that when the vehicle reaches a point where , neutral is engaged ( ), which results in a speed increase. The force reapplies when the vehicle slows down to , the force falling back to the value it would have had if constant speed was maintained. The regen mode is never used in this optimized speed profile.
On the right side of Fig. 4, we now considered a path with a “wavelength” of km, the downward and upward slopes having a length of 1.26 km. This time the maximum slope is 11%, and the maximum elevation is 88 m. The force profile for the case of the regen strategy (bottom graph, blue dotted curve) has the same characteristics as in the example on the left. However, the optimal force profile (black curve) is characteristically different. The (imperfectly efficient) regen mode is used at the beginning of the downslope in order to prevent the speed at the bottom from being so great as to cause larger losses due to air resistance. (It is worth noting that while the force profiles on the left- and right-hand side of the figure appear similar, the horizontal axis features a markedly different length. Thus, neutral is engaged on a much longer distance on the right-hand side which, in combination with the steeper slope, results in a much higher maximum speed.)
We now want to compare this optimal distance to obtained for straight slopes, Eq. (19). We perform the same calculations as in these two examples for a range of downward slope lengths and maximum slopes. The energy saved is plotted in Fig. 5. This is the difference of area under the solid black and dotted blue curves in the force profiles of Fig. 4, subtracting area when forces are negative. Hence, this graph is similar to Fig. 3, keeping in mind that the slope is not constant. We see that Fig. 5 indeed shares many characteristics with Fig. 3 such as lower savings for shorter slopes or smaller inclination. However, there is no horizontal part to the contour lines. The dashed-dotted curve in Fig. 5 passes through the minimum of the contour lines and is very close to the optimal point where neutral has to be engaged for a given slope value. We see that this curve is rather vertical for slopes shorter than about 1 km. For slopes steeper than 7%, it shows that neutral should always be engaged 1±0.1 km from the end, whatever is the slope length. This is somewhat surprising, but it appears to be the result of the slope shape. The inset of Fig. 5 gives an element of explanation. It shows two downward slopes with the maximum inclination and length indicated by the triangles of the corresponding color in the main figure. It is seen that in the last part, both curves overlap very well, hence resulting in a similar speed profile and energy savings despite being markedly different. This would not be the case of two such slopes if they were straight.
The dashed-dotted curve in Fig. 5 is also very different than the result of Eq. (19) for considering as the maximum slope (red dashed curve). If we rather consider the average slope (which is a factor smaller), we see it is not much better for maximum slopes above 7%, but it corresponds relatively well to the lower part of the dash-dotted curve: For low-inclination hills, where the magnitude of the gravitational force remains of the order of the resistance force and the speed reached remains close to , we can consider that the behavior of a vehicle is similar to the one on a straight slope of similar inclination, and that Eq. (19) for considering the average slope applies. For steeper slopes, it appears that the shape of the slope influences the results in a way that shortens the distance from the end of the slope where neutral should be engaged for sinusoidal slopes.
Therefore, while an exact expression is not determined for sinusoidal hills and valleys, a practical approximation for the optimal distance from the end of a sinusoidal slope where a vehicle riding at 26.8 m/s should go in neutral to save an optimal amount of energy as with computed using Eq. (19) with the average slope.
And again, we find that for most typical slopes, which have an inclination of a few percent and length of less than 1 km, neutral should be engaged from the top. Savings achieved in these conditions are only a few Wh and are small compared to the usual consumption of an electric car on a flat road. Indeed, for the optimization of a trip of a few hundred km on the Interstate of a hilly region (not shown), we find savings of the order of 0.5 Wh/km for the whole trip. This is a small fraction of the energy consumption of an electric car on the highway. Similar savings can be achieved by reducing the cruse speed by a fraction of a percent.
In principle, because the efficiency of the charge/discharge cycle of a battery is not 100%, a battery-equipped electric vehicle can save energy by coasting from a certain distance from the end of a slope and up to the point where the vehicle slows back to its original speed. As an application of undergraduate-level classical mechanics, we derived an exact expression for the optimal value of such distance in the case of constant slopes. We find that it also applies to more realistic slope profiles if they are not too steep. We show that about half of the energy lost to the charge/discharge process when using regen on the same distance can be avoided. However, the energy savings are only a few Wh for typical slopes and are therefore negligible on any realistic trip in comparison to the normal energy consumption of an electric car. Also, we have considered the optimization under the assumption that the vehicle speed could take any value greater than . Under a different set of assumptions, such as a traffic-friendly range that is capped at a speed limit and can be lowered no more than 75% of the speed limit, a different optimization strategy would result.
Section 1: Coasting distance
Section 2: Energy saved
Section 3: Fraction of energy saved
Here, we compute the fraction of the energy, which would be lost to the charge/discharge process during regen that can be avoided by coasting over the optimal distance .