The left-to-right motion of a free quantum Gaussian wave packet can be accompanied by the right-to-left flow of the probability density, the effect recently studied by Villanueva. Using the Wigner representation of the wave packet, we analyze the effect in phase space and demonstrate that its physical origin is rooted in classical mechanics.
Here, we point out that, if considered in phase space, the above effect has a simple intuitive explanation. In fact, the effect is rooted in classical mechanics: the same negative flow of probability takes place in an ensemble of free classical particles with an appropriate Gaussian distribution of positions and momenta. We also present a phase-space-based derivation of condition (7).
This is a minimal uncertainty state. The phase-space contour lines representing minimal uncertainty states are circles, and so the angle is not defined at . In Fig. 2, the value of ϵ0 is chosen to be negative.
In summary, we have shown that the effect of the negative probability flow, studied by Villanueva,1 has an intuitive explanation when considered in phase space. The effect is classical-mechanical in nature and occurs not only for a free quantum particle with a Gaussian wave function but also for an ensemble of free classical particles with a Gaussian distribution of positions and momenta.
APPENDIX B: DERIVATION OF EQS. (30), (31), (33), and (34)
Figure 5 shows the set of angle pairs fulfilling condition (C1). The condition becomes especially simple in the limit of small : if , then negative probability flow at occurs for .
The equivalence between Eqs. (8) and (11) is a particular case of the following fact: If the system potential is of the form , where a, b, and c are some constants, then the quantum evolution equation for the Wigner function is identical to the classical Liouville equation for the phase-space probability density. The free particle case addressed in the present paper corresponds to .