The left-to-right motion of a free quantum Gaussian wave packet can be accompanied by the right-to-left flow of the probability density, the effect recently studied by Villanueva. Using the Wigner representation of the wave packet, we analyze the effect in phase space and demonstrate that its physical origin is rooted in classical mechanics.

In a recent paper,1 Villanueva has explored a seemingly paradoxical effect associated with the motion of a free quantum particle. The particle state is represented by a Gaussian wave packet,
where x and t are the position and time variables, respectively. Here,
is the wave packet center at time t, with x0 and p0 being the initial mean position and momentum, respectively; m is the particle mass. The complex-valued function αt is defined as
and controls the wave packet spread,
along with position-momentum correlations. Its initial value, α0, must satisfy Im α 0 > 0 for the wave packet to be normalizable. Finally, the complex-valued function γt encapsulates both the normalization constant and global phase; the imaginary part of γt is related to that of αt via
The wave function ψ ( x , t ) satisfies the free particle Schrödinger equation
The effect addressed by Villanueva can be summarized as follows. Let q be some fixed point on the x-axis, and consider the scenario in which
In other words, the initial wave packet is localized (almost entirely) on the left of q and is moving to the right. Naively, one might think that, as the wave packet approaches the point q from the left (that is, as long as x t < q ), the probability of finding the particle in the region x > q, namely,
grows monotonically with time, i.e., one might expect that d / Π ( t ) d t > 0 for 0 < t < t cl m ( q x 0 ) / p 0 . However, as Villanueva demonstrates, this naive intuition can be false: if the value of the parameter α0 is such that
at an instant t < t cl , then the probability Π ( t ) appears to be decreasing,

Here, we point out that, if considered in phase space, the above effect has a simple intuitive explanation. In fact, the effect is rooted in classical mechanics: the same negative flow of probability takes place in an ensemble of free classical particles with an appropriate Gaussian distribution of positions and momenta. We also present a phase-space-based derivation of condition (7).

Let us regard the motion of a free particle, described in the Schrödinger picture by the wave function ψ ( x , t ) , as the time evolution of the Wigner phase-space (quasiprobability) density2,3
The reader is referred to review articles2,3 for a discussion of many fascinating properties of the Wigner density. Here, we only state the following two properties, particularly relevant to the present discussion. First, the time evolution of W ( x , p , t ) in free space is governed by
This equation is the phase-space representation to the free-particle Schrödinger equation (5). Second, in terms of the Wigner function, the probability of finding the particle in the region x > q reads
This is the phase-space representation of Eq. (6).
Substituting ψ ( x , t ) , given by Eq. (1), into Eq. (8), performing the integration, and using identity (4), we obtain
are, respectively, the particle position and momentum measured relative to their mean values. The Wigner function (10) is positive at all times, W ( x , p , t ) > 0 .
Now comes an important (and well known) argument. Imagine an ensemble of N free noninteracting classical particles of mass m. We are interested in the limit of large N. Let N W cl ( x , p , t ) be the number density of the particles at the phase-space point (x, p) at time t. So, W cl ( x , p , t ) is the probability density for a given particle to be found at (x, p) at time t. Since the momentum of a free particle is conserved, the time evolution of W cl is given by
The number of particles in the region x > q at time t equals N Π cl ( t ) , where
represents the probability for a given particle to satisfy x > q at time t. Observe that Eqs. (8) and (9) for the Wigner function W of a quantum particle are identical to Eqs. (11) and (12) for the classical phase-space probability density W cl , respectively.4 It then immediately follows that
provided that W ( x , p , 0 ) = W cl ( x , p , 0 ) . In general,2,3 the set of all possible Wigner functions W ( x , p , 0 ) is not the same as the set of all possible classical probability densities W cl ( x , p , 0 ) . For example, W ( x , p , 0 ) can have negative values, whereas W cl ( x , p , 0 ) is nonnegative by construction; on the other hand, the value of W cl ( x , p , 0 ) can, in principle, be arbitrarily large, whereas | W ( x , p , 0 ) | 1 / π for all x and p. However, the Wigner function W representing a Gaussian wave packet is everywhere positive, Eq. (10), and, therefore, can be regarded as a valid classical probability density W cl . This guaranties that the behavior of Π ( t ) for a Gaussian quantum state, described by an initial Wigner function W ( x , p , 0 ) , is identical to the behavior of Π cl ( t ) for an ensemble of free classical particles, initially distributed in accordance with the phase-space density W cl ( x , p , 0 ) = W ( x , p , 0 ) . In particular, this means that the negative flow of probability addressed by Villanueva1 is essentially a classical-mechanical effect.
We now present a phase-space interpretation of the effect. For the discussion below, it is important to introduce dimensionless versions of the position, momentum, and time variables. This requires defining a natural length scale L. We achieve this by noticing that, according to Eq. (3), the quantity Im ( 1 / α t ) = ( Im α t ) / | α t | 2 does not depend on time, i.e., Im ( 1 / α t ) = Im ( 1 / α 0 ) . Thus, L can be defined as
Subsequently, we introduce dimensionless positions
dimensionless momenta
dimensionless time
and dimensionless (quasi)probability density
A straightforward calculation yields the following dimensionless version of the Wigner function (10):
The time dependence of the dimensionless Wigner function is specified by
cf. Eq. (2), and
cf. Eq. (3), where ϵ 0 = Re α 0 / Im α 0 . It is easy to check that the dimensionless Wigner function satisfies the free particle evolution equation
cf. Eqs. (8) and (11), and that the probability of finding the particle in the region ξ > δ (or x > q) at time τ (or t) is given by
cf. Eqs. (9) and (12).
Equations (17), (19), (20), and (21) provide the complete description of the motion of a free Gaussian wave packet. At time τ, the wave packet is parametrized by three dimensionless real numbers: ξ τ , η0, and ϵ τ . Figure 1 shows a phase-space curve of a constant value of Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) . The curve is an ellipse centered at ( ξ τ , η 0 ) . It is easy to show (see  Appendix A) that the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the ξ-axis is given by
Fig. 1.

An elliptical curve in phase space on which the Wigner function Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) has a constant value. The ellipse becomes a circle when ϵ τ = 0 ; this corresponds to a minimal uncertainty state.

Fig. 1.

An elliptical curve in phase space on which the Wigner function Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) has a constant value. The ellipse becomes a circle when ϵ τ = 0 ; this corresponds to a minimal uncertainty state.

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The angle θ τ decreases monotonically from π to 0 as time τ increases from to + . This is shown in Fig. 2. According to Eq. (21), ϵ τ = 0 when time τ = ϵ 0 . At this instant, the Wigner function representing the wave packet reads
Fig. 2.

Angle θ τ , illustrated in Fig. 1, as a function of time τ. At τ = ϵ 0 , the particle is in a minimal uncertainty state, for which θ τ is not defined.

Fig. 2.

Angle θ τ , illustrated in Fig. 1, as a function of time τ. At τ = ϵ 0 , the particle is in a minimal uncertainty state, for which θ τ is not defined.

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This is a minimal uncertainty state. The phase-space contour lines representing minimal uncertainty states are circles, and so the angle θ τ is not defined at τ = ϵ 0 . In Fig. 2, the value of ϵ0 is chosen to be negative.

The time evolution of the Wigner function during the time interval between τ and τ + Δ τ , i.e.,
can be viewed as a result of two consecutive transformations, both illustrated in Fig. 3. The first transformation is a rigid shift of the Wigner distribution along the ξ-axis by η 0 Δ τ ,
Fig. 3.

The time evolution of the Wigner function from Ω τ Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) to Ω τ + Δ τ Ω ( ξ , η , τ + Δ τ ) as a sequence two consecutive transformations: Ω τ Ω ¯ and Ω ¯ Ω τ + Δ τ . See the text for details. Each Wigner function is represented by an elliptical contour line, along with the corresponding major axis. The left boundary of the spatial region ξ > δ is shown with a dashed line.

Fig. 3.

The time evolution of the Wigner function from Ω τ Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) to Ω τ + Δ τ Ω ( ξ , η , τ + Δ τ ) as a sequence two consecutive transformations: Ω τ Ω ¯ and Ω ¯ Ω τ + Δ τ . See the text for details. Each Wigner function is represented by an elliptical contour line, along with the corresponding major axis. The left boundary of the spatial region ξ > δ is shown with a dashed line.

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The second transformation is a simple shear leaving the distribution center unchanged,
The change in the Wigner density Δ Ω during the time interval between τ and τ + Δ τ is given by
is the change due to the shift transformation and
is the change due to the shear transformation. Consequently, the corresponding change in the probability of finding the particle in the region ξ > δ is
It is straightforward to show (see  Appendix B) that, in the limit of small Δ τ ,
In the case of the Wigner function Ω given by Eq. (17), the probability change due to the shift transformation is always positive
This follows directly from the fact that Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) > 0 . However, the probability change due to the shear transformation, ( Δ Π ) shear , can be negative for some values of the wave packet parameters. Figure 3 provides an example of the situation in which ( Δ Π ) shear < 0 ; it is clear that ϵ τ < 0 (or, equivalently, θ τ > 3 π / 4 ) is a necessary condition for ( Δ Π ) shear to be negative. The negative flow of the net probability, Δ Π < 0 , occurs if and only if
This condition is the phase-space equivalent of Eq. (7).
In order to explicitly recover Eq. (7) from Eq. (32), we substitute Eq. (17) into Eqs. (30) and (31) and evaluate the corresponding momentum integrals. This yields (see the  Appendix B)
Substituting these expressions into Eq. (32), we obtain
Using the rescaling transformations (14), (15), (16), and (18), it can be easily verified that Eq. (35) is the dimensionless version of the negative probability flow condition (7). The geometrical meaning of this condition is discussed in  Appendix C.

In summary, we have shown that the effect of the negative probability flow, studied by Villanueva,1 has an intuitive explanation when considered in phase space. The effect is classical-mechanical in nature and occurs not only for a free quantum particle with a Gaussian wave function but also for an ensemble of free classical particles with a Gaussian distribution of positions and momenta.

There are many ways to derive Eq. (23). Here, we adopt a direct one. It follows from Eq. (17) that phase-space points ( ξ , η ) corresponding to the same value of Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) lie on the ellipse
where C > 0 is a constant. In polar coordinates,
the ellipse equation takes the form
The angle θ = θ τ is the one that maximizes r and, therefore, satisfies the equation
which is equivalent to
For ϵ τ 0 , this reduces to
On the interval 0 < θ < π , this equation has two solutions: (i) the solution given by Eq. (23) and (ii) the one representing the orthogonal direction, i.e.,
A straightforward evaluation of d 2 r / d θ 2 shows that it is the solution given by Eq. (23) that maximizes r.
We first derive Eqs. (30) and (31). From Eqs. (26) and (24), we have
Substituting this into Eq. (28), and keeping only the leading order term in Δ τ , we obtain
where we have taken into account the fact that Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) 0 as ξ . Similarly, from Eqs. (27), (25), and (24), we have
Substituting this into Eq. (29) and keeping only the leading order term in Δ τ , we obtain
Now, we derive Eqs. (33) and (34). According to Eq. (17), Ω can be written as
Hence, we have
we get
which, in turn, leads to Eq. (33). Then,
and so
This yields Eq. (34).
Condition (35) determines the phase-space position and orientation of the Wigner function Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) accompanied by negative probability flow at the point ξ = δ . The geometrical meaning of this condition becomes clear if we rewrite Eq. (35) in terms of angles θ ¯ τ = π θ τ and ϕ τ , defined in Fig. 4. We have
and, in view of Eq. (23),
Fig. 4.

Angles θ ¯ τ = π θ τ and ϕ τ for the Wigner function Ω τ Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) .

Fig. 4.

Angles θ ¯ τ = π θ τ and ϕ τ for the Wigner function Ω τ Ω ( ξ , η , τ ) .

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Substituting these two expressions into Eq. (35), we find that θ ¯ τ must lie inside the interval ( 0 , π / 4 ) and satisfy the inequality
This inequality is equivalent to Eq. (35).

Figure 5 shows the set of angle pairs ( θ ¯ τ , ϕ τ ) fulfilling condition (C1). The condition becomes especially simple in the limit of small θ ¯ τ : if θ ¯ τ 1 , then negative probability flow at ξ = δ occurs for ϕ τ < θ ¯ τ .

Fig. 5.

The shaded area shows the angles θ ¯ τ and ϕ τ for which condition (C1) is fulfilled. The dashed line corresponds to ϕ τ = θ ¯ τ .

Fig. 5.

The shaded area shows the angles θ ¯ τ and ϕ τ for which condition (C1) is fulfilled. The dashed line corresponds to ϕ τ = θ ¯ τ .

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A. A. D.
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The negative flow of probability
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Use of operator wave functions to construct a refined correspondence principle via the quantum mechanics of Wigner and Moyal
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Wigner functions and Weyl transforms for pedestrians
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The equivalence between Eqs. (8) and (11) is a particular case of the following fact: If the system potential is of the form V(x)=ax2+bx+c, where a, b, and c are some constants, then the quantum evolution equation for the Wigner function is identical to the classical Liouville equation for the phase-space probability density. The free particle case addressed in the present paper corresponds to a=b=0.