Celestial Calculations: A Gentle Introduction to Computational Astronomy. J. L. Lawrence. 390 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2019. Price: $39.95 (paper) ISBN 9780262536639.

Classical Field Theory. Horațiu Năstase. 482 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2019. Price: $79.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-108-47701-7.

Cosmic Discovery: The Search, Scope, and Heritage of Astronomy. Martin Harwit. 374 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2019. Price: $44.99 (paper) ISBN 978-1-108-72204-9.

Finding Our Place in the Solar System: The Scientific Story of the Copernican Revolution. Todd Timberlake and Paul Wallace. 395 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2019. Price: $39.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-107-18229-5.

Magnificent Principia: Explaining Isaac Newton's Masterpiece. Colin Pask. 526 pp. Prometheus, Amherst, NY, 2019. Price: $18 (paper) ISBN 9781633885684.

Modern Condensed Matter Physics. Steven M. Girvin and Kun Yang. 715 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2019. Price: $79.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-107-13739-4.

Quantum Computing for Everyone. Chris Bernhardt. 204 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2019. Price: $24.95 (hardcover) ISBN 9780262039253.

Seeing the Light: Optics in Nature, Photography, Color Vision, and Holography. David S. Falk, Dieter R. Brill, and David G. Stork. 473 pp. Echo Point Books, Brattleboro, VT, 2019. Price: $59.95 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-62654-109-2.

String Theory in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. Elias Kiritsis. 879 pp. Princeton U. P., Princeton, NJ, 2019. Price: $95 (hardcover) 9780691155791.

Why Trust a Theory: Epistemology of Fundamental Physics. Radin Dardashti, Richard Dawid, and Karim Thébault (eds). 449 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2019. Price: $89.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-108-47095-7.