Before Time Began: The Big Bang & the Emerging Universe. Helmut Satz. 170 pp. Oxford U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $25.95 (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-19-879242-0.

Calorimetry: Energy Measurement in Particle Physics (2nd ed.). Richard Wigmans. 873 pp. Oxford U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $110 (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-19-878635-1.

Complex Networks: Principles, Methods, and Applications. Vito Latora, Vincenzo Nicosia, and Giovanni Russo. 580 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $69.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-107-10318-4.

Data Analysis Techniques for Physical Scientists. Claude A. Pruneau. 716 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $89.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-108-41678-8.

Exact Solutions in Three-Dimensional Gravity. Alberto A. García-Díaz. 450 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $175 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-107-14789-8.

Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics: A Modern Perspective. Roberto Livi and Paolo Politi. 437 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $69.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-107-04954-3.

String Theory Methods for Condensed Matter Physics. Horaţiu Năstase. 630 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2017. Price: $79.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-107-18038-3.