An article in the September issue of this journal1 presents a derivation of the Boltzmann distribution function (BDF) for introductory students. However, a key proof in the derivation is left to a graduate text in mathematics. A simpler proof is presented here. It is based on the idea of separation of variables for partial differential equations, but is here applied to a basic example of a function of two variables. The BDF is presented in our curriculum in the third course in the introductory sequence for physics majors (after the first two courses in mechanics and in electricity and magnetism), while separation of variables is introduced in the fourth and final course (to solve Schrödinger's equation for the hydrogen atom).2 It therefore does not seem too much of a stretch to make use of the technique in the derivation of the BDF. In fact, it could serve as a gentle preparation for follow-on courses where separation of variables is applied to more difficult problems.

The goal of this letter is to prove that the only nonzero real and differentiable function that satisfies


for the two independent variables x and y is the exponential function f(u)=exp(cu) where c is an arbitrary constant. To do so, first take the partial derivative of both sides of Eq. (1) with respect to x to get


Next define zx+y so that


and noting that f(x)/x=df(x)/dx and z/x=1, Eq. (2) can be rewritten as


Repeating these steps for the derivative of Eq. (1) with respect to y, one obtains


Since the right-hand sides of Eqs. (4) and (5) are equal, the left-hand sides must also be equal, which leads to


However, the left-hand side of this equation is only a function of x, while the right-hand side is only a function of the independent variable y. The only way this can be true is if each side is a constant, call it c, so that


which integrates to


(For the special case of c=1, this result follows from the fact that the exponential is defined as that continuous function equal everywhere to its derivative.3) Substituting Eq. (8) back into Eq. (1) shows that A2=A whose only nonzero solution is A=1, thereby completing the proof.

M. L.
del Puerto
, and
, “
Simple and synergistic ways to understand the Boltzmann distribution function
Am. J. Phys.
We use the textbook
P. A.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
, 6th ed. (
W. H. Freeman
) in our introductory course sequence. The Boltzmann factor is introduced on page 583, and separation of variables on page 1234.
C. E.
, “
Introducing the exponential function
Phys. Educ.