The development of programming languages for quantum computing has increased rapidly over the last few years, making it practical for a hands-on approach in teaching quantum computation. In this paper, I introduce the standard textbook example of searching for one item out of four using Grover's search algorithm and extend it by including a quantum database. In addition to explaining how to include a quantum database using a quantum circuit model, I give a complete program implementing the algorithm written in the quantum computing language Qiskit from IBM. If presented in the classroom, this extension of Grover's search algorithm alleviates some unsatisfying aspects of the standard textbook example. If given as an exercise to students, it allows them to extend the standard example and provides experience in developing quantum algorithms. I also outline searching for one (or more) items out of eight with a quantum database, which could be used for student projects.
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Searching a quantum database with Grover's search algorithm
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June 2021
June 01 2021
Searching a quantum database with Grover's search algorithm
Ben Kain
Ben Kain
Department of Physics, College of the Holy Cross
, Worcester,
Massachusetts 01610
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Am. J. Phys. 89, 618–626 (2021)
Article history
August 13 2020
April 12 2021
Ben Kain; Searching a quantum database with Grover's search algorithm. Am. J. Phys. 1 June 2021; 89 (6): 618–626.
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