The purpose of this work is to study the phenomenon of tidal locking in a pedagogical framework by analyzing the effective gravitational potential of a two-body system with two spinning objects. It is shown that the effective potential of such a system is an example of a fold catastrophe. In fact, the existence of a local minimum and saddle point, corresponding to tidally locked circular orbits, is regulated by a single dimensionless control parameter that depends on the properties of the two bodies and on the total angular momentum of the system. The method described in this work results in compact expressions for the radius of the circular orbit and the tidally locked spin/orbital frequency. The limiting case in which one of the two orbiting objects is point-like is studied in detail. An analysis of the effective potential, which in this limit depends on only two parameters, allows one to clearly visualize the properties of the system. The notorious case of the Mars' moon Phobos is presented as an example of a satellite that is past the no return point and, therefore, will not reach a stable or unstable tidally locked orbit.
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Tidal locking and the gravitational fold catastrophe
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December 2020
December 01 2020
Tidal locking and the gravitational fold catastrophe
Andrea Ferroglia;
Andrea Ferroglia
The Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New
, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10016 and Physics
Department, New York City College of Technology, The City University of New
, 300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201
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Miguel C. N. Fiolhais
Miguel C. N. Fiolhais
Science Department, Borough of Manhattan Community College, The City
University of New York
, 199 Chambers St., New York, New York 10007 and LIP, Departamento de Física, Universidade de Coimbra
3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal
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Am. J. Phys. 88, 1059–1067 (2020)
Article history
March 14 2020
July 31 2020
Andrea Ferroglia, Miguel C. N. Fiolhais; Tidal locking and the gravitational fold catastrophe. Am. J. Phys. 1 December 2020; 88 (12): 1059–1067.
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