Coilguns are one of the most widely used projectile launch systems using electromagnetic force. The ideal coilgun would propel a projectile with maximum velocity while also having a high power efficiency. The physics of coilguns is well understood; however, optimizing the coilgun design is much more difficult, as it requires the consideration of the parameters of every component of the system, such as the coil, projectile, and power supply. In this paper, electromagnetism, kinematics, and electrical circuit theory are employed to analytically describe the operations of a coilgun with permanent magnetic projectiles. These analytical equations are then implemented using mathematical programs. Coilguns with distinct design parameters and current profiles can be tested numerically to quickly find the optimal combinations to achieve the maximum velocity or power efficiency. The results are presented and measurements are utilized to verify the predictions.
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November 2019
November 01 2019
Physical analysis and optimization of electromagnetic coilgun launch systems
Joshua Zhou;
Joshua Zhou
Harker Upper School
, 500 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose, California 95129
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Takyiu Liu
Takyiu Liu
Computer Information Systems, West Valley College
, Saratoga, California 95070
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Electronic mail: [email protected]; Permanent address: 5878 W. Walbrook Dr., San Jose, California 95129.
Electronic mail: [email protected]
Am. J. Phys. 87, 894–900 (2019)
Article history
May 14 2019
August 15 2019
Joshua Zhou, Takyiu Liu; Physical analysis and optimization of electromagnetic coilgun launch systems. Am. J. Phys. 1 November 2019; 87 (11): 894–900.
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