This article describes how to use XBee transducers to create small and lightweight wireless sensors, which send data to a base station for collection and analysis. Data collection is limited to 10-bit accuracy by the XBee hardware. Depending on the type of XBee used, up to six data channels can be transmitted over a range of up to 15 miles. We describe the technical details of the process using the low-power version of the XBee transducer and a three-axis accelerometer chip.
Available from, Note that there are two versions of the XBee hardware: The original (often called “series 1”) and the newer “series 2.5.” The two series are not interchangeable. Series 2.5 has better mesh networking capabilities but will only accept A/D inputs of up to 1.2 V. Series 1 is preferred for this application as it is somewhat easier to set up point-to-point communications and will accept A/D inputs of up to the 3.3 V power supply voltage.
More information about the use of XBee transducers can be found in
, Making Things Talk: Practical Methods for Connecting Physical Objects
(O’Reilly Media
, Cambridge, MA
, 2007
), pp. 222
; and3.
Available from,
Sparkfun,, for example. Other ranges of accelerometer breakout boards are available as part numbers SEN-00848 and SEN-00849.
Note that it is possible to have multiple sensors communicate with one base station simultaneously. Just make sure that each XBee on a given network ID has a unique address.
See supplementary material at for the XBee and one-channel python codes.
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