Both wire-wound solenoids and cylindrical magnets can be approximated as ideal azimuthally symmetric solenoids. We present an exact solution for the magnetic field of an ideal solenoid in an easy to use form. The field is expressed in terms of a single function that can be rapidly computed by means of a compact efficient algorithm, which can be coded as an add-in function to a spreadsheet, making field calculations accessible to introductory students. These expressions are not only accurate but are also as fast as most approximate expressions. We demonstrate their utility by simulating the dropping of a cylindrical magnet through a nonmagnetic conducting tube and comparing the calculation with data obtained from experiments suitable for an undergraduate laboratory.
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March 2010
March 01 2010
Cylindrical magnets and ideal solenoids
Norman Derby;
Norman Derby
Community College of Vermont
, Bennington, Vermont 05201
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Stanislaw Olbert
Stanislaw Olbert
Department of Physics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
Electronic mail: [email protected]
Am. J. Phys. 78, 229–235 (2010)
Article history
June 09 2009
October 07 2009
Norman Derby, Stanislaw Olbert; Cylindrical magnets and ideal solenoids. Am. J. Phys. 1 March 2010; 78 (3): 229–235.
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