The AAPT presents Mildred Dresselhaus the Oersted Medal for her lifelong contributions to the teaching of physics.The Oersted Medal recognizes those who have made outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics.Oersted is most famous for his discovery, in 1820, of the connection between electricity and magnetism, which he made when he was preparing a lecture demonstration. His observation of the slight motion of a compass near a current carrying wire illustrates the profound connection between teaching and research. He also made significant contributions to materials science by producing aluminum for the first time.
Mildred Dresselhaus is an Institute Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering at MIT. She began her studies of physics at Hunter College in New York City and Cambridge University in England, and received her Masters Degree at Radcliffe College and her Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. She then spent two years at Cornell...