21st Century Astronomy (second edition). Jeff Hester et al. 725 pp. Norton, New York, 2007. Price: $72.00 (paper) ISBN 978-0-393-92443-5.
Brainteaser Physics: Challenging Physics Puzzlers. Göran Grimvall. 162 pp. Johns Hopkins U. P., Baltimore, 2007. Price: $65.00 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-8018-8511-2; $23.00 (paper) ISBN 978-0-8018-8512-9.
Conceptions of Cosmos: From Myths to the Accelerating Universe: A History of Cosmology. Helge S. Kragh. 276 pp. Oxford U. P., New York, 2007. Price: $70.00 ISBN 978-0-19-920916-3.
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. K. Miyamoto. 393 pp. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2007. Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58488-709-6.
Electronics: Circuits, Amplifiers and Gates (second edition). D. V. Bugg. 352 pp. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2006. Price: $69.95 (paper) ISBN 978-0-7503-1037-6.
Fundamentals of Fibre Reinforced Composite Materials. A. R. Bunsell and J. Renard. 398 pp. Institute of Physics Publishing, Philadelphia, 2005. Price: $59.95 (paper) ISBN 978-0-7503-0689-8.
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics. Şakir Erkoç. 433 pp. Taylor & Francis,...