The bases used in quantum mechanics, in general, are orthonormal. The relations in orthonormal basis vectors are simpler than those in nonorthogonal basis vectors. Also, the operators that represent different physical quantities are Hermitian and the eigenvectors of these operators belonging to different eigenvalues are orthonormal to each other. But, in many cases, such as sets of screened hydrogenic wavefunctions, nonorthogonal sets of basis vectors occur. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the representation of vectors and operators in nonorthogonal bases. Making use of the set of vectors reciprocal to the given set of nonorthogonal base vectors, the expression for the norms of vectors and for the matrix elements has been found. Also, adjoint and Hermitian matrices in nonorthogonal bases have been worked out using a set of reciprocal basis vectors.
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April 1988
April 01 1988
Matrix representation of vectors and operators in nonorthogonal basis vectors
S. D. Deshpande;
S. D. Deshpande
Department of Physics, Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 010, India
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R. B. Pode
R. B. Pode
Department of Physics, Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 010, India
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Am. J. Phys. 56, 362–365 (1988)
Article history
February 17 1987
June 28 1987
S. D. Deshpande, R. B. Pode; Matrix representation of vectors and operators in nonorthogonal basis vectors. Am. J. Phys. 1 April 1988; 56 (4): 362–365.
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