This continuation of the English rendition of Einstein’s 1907 essay on relativity, of which the first part appeared in the June 1977 issue of this Journal, is devote to Parts II‐IV of the essay, dealing with the relativistic treatments of electrodynamics, optics, mechanics, and thermodynamics. The original text of these parts covers 27 printed pages. However, owing to the nature of the subject matter and the character of the original exposition, it was possible to reproduce here the essential content of the original text intact in terms of a free rendition, using modern notation, and retaining all the original formulas with their numbering, and also including direct translations of all passages of possible historical interest. Mathematical amplifications of a few of the key derivations in the original text are presented in added footnotes.
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September 1977
September 01 1977
Einstein’s comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part II
H. M. Schwartz
H. M. Schwartz
Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
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Am. J. Phys. 45, 811–817 (1977)
H. M. Schwartz; Einstein’s comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part II. Am. J. Phys. 1 September 1977; 45 (9): 811–817.
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