Louis de Broglie’s doctoral thesis developed a concept of waves associated with material particles that was soon incorporated into wave mechanics and later supported by experimental demonstrations. De Broglie’s original development, however, relied on an incorrect identification of two quite different relations: the relation between the velocity of a particle and the relation between the group velocity of a wave packet and the velocity of individual waves in the packet. A clarification of this difference and its historial significance is followed by a tentative account of the reasons why de Broglie’s well‐known formula proved successful, though the theory supporting it rested on a conceptual confusion. Finally, this development and clarification are related to some of the difficulties involved in the attempts top fashion a coherent interpretation of quantum theory.
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November 1976
November 01 1976
De Broglie’s thesis: A critical retrospective
Edward MacKinnon
Edward MacKinnon
Department of Philosophy, California State University, Hayward, California, 94542
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Am. J. Phys. 44, 1047–1055 (1976)
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A related article has been published:
Louis de Broglie’s thesis
Edward MacKinnon; De Broglie’s thesis: A critical retrospective. Am. J. Phys. 1 November 1976; 44 (11): 1047–1055. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.10583
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