Prepared at the request of the AAPT Committee on Resource Letters.

This is one of a series of Resource Letters on different topics, intended to guide college physicists to some of the literature and other teaching aids that may help them improve course contents in specified fields of physics. No Resource Letter is meant to be exhaustive and complete; in time there may be more than one letter on some of the main subjects of interest. Comments and suggestions concerning the content and arrangement of letters as well as suggestions for future topics will be welcomed. Please send such communications to Professor Joel Gordon, Chairman, Resource Letter Committee, Department of Physics, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts.

Notation: The letter E after an item number indicates elementary level; the letter I indicates intermediate level; and the letter A indicates advanced material. An asterisk (*) indicates items particularly recommended for introductory study.

Additional copies: Available from the Executive Secretary, American Association of Physics Teachers, 335 East 45 Street, New York, N. Y. 10017. When ordering, request Resource Letter Scy-2 and enclose 25 cents per copy (not in stamps), together with a self-addressed stamped envelope.

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