This Association has to its credit many enviable achievements. It is suggested, however, that the present concepts as to its purpose and mission are inadequate for the future. Thus far in its history it seems to have been conceived of mainly an as association to hold meetings, to publish a journal, and to prepare, file, and occasionally publish committee reports. Having in mind the individual teacher, it has tried to give him encouragement, recognition, and inspiration, and opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences with his fellows.

The Association should become, to a much larger extent than in the past, an association for concerted and organized group study and action. Its goal should be to make of physics teaching a profession in the sense that law and medicine are professions. This will require more than that the Association give aid and encouragement to the individual teacher who endeavors to become more effective. It will require planned, systematic, and united attacks upon the problems of the profession as a whole and cooperative attempts to find solutions to such problems. It will require that the Association assert itself as the authoritative interpreter and official representative of physics teaching before the general public, other professional organizations, and government agencies; constitute itself a potent pressure group in behalf of our profession; help aggressively to maintain high professional standards; help improve conditions under which physics teachers must work; conduct cooperative educational experimentation and systematically attempt to improve physics teaching; collaborate with other agencies of higher education.

The past and current organization and modes of operation of the Association are not especially suitable for the realization of such purposes. Modifications and changes in these areas are suggested.

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