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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 93,
Issue 2,
February 2025

Focus and Coverage

The American Journal of Physics publishes papers that will support, inform, and delight a diverse audience of college and university physics teachers. Contents include novel approaches to classroom and laboratory instruction, insightful articles on topics in classical and modern physics, apparatus notes, historical or cultural topics, book reviews, resource letters, and award talks.

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Editor's Picks
Samuel Bernard-Bernardet, Emily Dumas et al.
In quantum physics lectures, half-integer spins are generally introduced as “objects that do not come back to their original state after one full turn but that do after two.” As a consequence, ...
David Syphers
This paper presents two thematically linked activities focused on temperature, climate, and climate change that can be used as engaging ways to introduce students to computational techniques. The ...
M. Pössel
A challenge in teaching special relativity is that a number of the theory's effects are at odds with the intuition of classical physics as well as students' everyday experience. The relativity of ...

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