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American Association of Physics Teachers

AAPT is a professional membership association of scientists dedicated to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching. AAPT was established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring the "dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching."

Recent Articles
Luca Di Carlo
in American Journal of Physics
Renormalization group theory is a powerful and intriguing technique with a wide range of applications. One of the main successes of renormalization group theory is the description of continuous phase ...
Christopher Ong, Shaun Quek
in American Journal of Physics
Carnot's theorem guarantees the most efficient cycle to be the Carnot cycle provided that the state space is constrained between two isotherms. This paper considers what the most efficient cycle ...
M. J. Wright, R. Beban et al.
in American Journal of Physics
Spontaneous emission has been studied by physicists for decades and continues to reveal exciting physics. We describe an experiment to study the spontaneous emission of a monoatomic vapor at room ...
Carolina Filgueira-Rama, Alejandro Doval et al.
in American Journal of Physics
Frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) is analyzed from a novel perspective. Unlike similar works, the angle of incidence is used here as the experimental variable instead of the film thickness ...

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